Sunday, 22 January 2012

Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Main Task:Contents Page Analysis November 20

First to understand what is common on all contents pages I devised a spider diagram with the basic outline of what a good contents page should consist of.

Then I took a look at a Q magazine contents page and analysed its uses of the codes and conventions commonly seen on music magazines.

I then did the same to a Glamour magazine as their audience differs to that of Q's.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

Main Task:Double Page Spread Analysis November 21

Firstly, I created a spider diagram of the main codes and conventions expected of a double page spread in order for me to understand the common features that I will need to apply to my own double page spread.

Then I analysed a quirky double page spread and pointed out any codes and conventions that I noticed.

After, I looked a a rarer double page spread, it's layout isn't very common but I have outlined how it still manages to use the codes and conventions so that the reader can recognise it as a double page spread.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Questionnaire & Analysis

Main Task:Questionnaire & Analysis December 2

I created a questionnaire made up of 13 different questions with a variety of closed and open questions so that my results could be accurate and informative.I asked about 20 people to complete this music questionnaire in order for me to learn what would sell and what wouldn't.

Here are 2 examples of answered questionnaires:

I gathered the results from my questionnaire and used it to create a more visual evaluation to help me see clearly what was popular and what wasn't.