Friday 13 April 2012

School/General Magazine Contents Page Research

Preliminary Task:Research of Existing Magazine Contents Pages October 22

Then, as a class we looked at various magazine contents pages and spoke about their similarities and their differences. We again noticed a pattern that reoccurred on almost every magazine contents page, we then found out that this too was part of the codes and conventions expected of a magazine contents page. These conventions included: mast head which are conventionally found at the top of the contents page, contents title, headings, features, institutional details, wide rage of camera shots etc.

Then we looked specifically at school magazine contents pages and saw that they had the same similarities as the other contents pages with having a contents title, features, many images etc. This then gave us a clear template as to how our school magazine contents page should turn out in order for it to be recognisable as a professional magazine. I then used this newly found knowledge to create my preliminary task contents page.

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